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What I Do

Hi there! I'm Emma! 


My dream from a young age has always been to work with books, whether it be writing, reading, editing, or promoting them. I have such vivid memories of a childhood fueled by the likes of Enid Blyton and Jaqueline Wilson, and I remember all too often of the times my mother had to confiscate my books as I spent too much time buried in them! Now, as an adult, I aspire to spend the majority of my time with my head between the pages - whether that be mine or yours!


I am about to graduate from university with a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing, and in September 2021 I will be progressing onto a Masters in Publishing and Creative Writing.

When I'm not studying I'm writing pieces of my own, focusing on flash fiction and poetry. In 2020, Valley Press published my short story Baby in their yearly anthology. Later this year, my non-fiction essay Chronic Illness: A Permanent Pandemic is also due to be published. 



About Me: About
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